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DIY Recipe

Chicken Tortilla Wraps

1. 2 pieces of flour tortillas
2. 100 g chicken breast
3. Salt
4. Tomato sauce
5. Green oaks
6. Slided Carrots and cucumbers
7. Taokaenoi big roll classic flavour

How to cook
1. Slide carrots, cucumbers and chicken breasts.
2. Heat up the pan and put the tortillas inside until it’s warm and becomes soft, then take it out of the pan.
3. Heat up the pan again and add the slided chicken breast, top with salt a little bit. Then, wait until the chicken is cooked.
4. Prepare the cooked tortillas, apply the tomato sauce around the whole piece. Then, put the green oak, carrots, cucumbers, Taokaenoi big roll and chicken on the tortillas.
5. Roll up the tortillas and serve.

DIY Recipe

Kimchi Chicken Stir-Fry